Committee Policies

Committee Policy
Date:1st February 2024 
Table of Contents
Policy statement 3
Procedure 3
Club Legal Status 3
Club Constitution 3
Club Values and Ethos 3
Committee 3
Committee role descriptions 4
Code of Conduct 4
Declaration of interest 7
Employment 7
Confidentiality 7
Committee Members and Financial Governance 7
Committee Members and Financial Liability 8
Financial Management 9
Financial Reporting 9
Financial Standing Orders 10
Committee member expenses 10
Planning 10
Risk assessment 11
Skills Audit 11
Succession Plan 11
Safeguarding 11
Alcohol license 12
Music license 12
Disaster recovery 12
Insurance 12
Availability and Review 13
Appendix: Committee Roles and Responsibilities 14
Policy statement
As a community based, not for profit organisation, Neath Athletic RFC relies significantly on the time given by volunteers to function.  However, Neath Athletic RFC is still required to comply with numerous legal, regulatory and statutory requirements and understand complex tax and VAT legislation.  
Neath Athletic RFC is committed to operating to the highest standards of Governance in order to protect against risk and maintain the integrity of rugby.  This policy has been written in order to clearly explain how Neath Athletic RFC ensures good governance.  This document is intended as a general guide.  Where necessary, Neath Athletic RFC would take professional advice to ensure that it remains compliant.  This policy does not form part of any contract and Neath Athletic RFC may update it at any time.
Club Legal Status
The legal status of Neath Athletic RFC is by Incorporation of a Private Company Limited By Guarantee   The Management Committee (Committee) review the legal status annually.  External legal guidance would be sought where required.  
Club Governing Document 
Neath Athletic RFC has a constitution & an articles of association  which is compliant with governing body rules, regulations, and company regulatory procedures for incorporated company . Neath Athletic RFC will also ensure that the governing document is fit for purpose and is compliant with all activities and services being provided by the club and its stakeholders. The governing document is reviewed on an annual basis. 
Club Values and Ethos

         The purpose of the club is to promote the amateur sport of rugby football in and around  the                       County Borough of Neath and to promote community participation in the same

The values of Neath Athletic RFC  are to committ to the principles of equality and strives to ensure that everyone who wishes to be involved in rugby, whether as employees, members, volunteers, or participants:

  1. has a genuine and equal opportunity to participate to the full extent of their own ambitions and abilities, without regard to their protected characteristic (age, sex, gender identity, disability, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, race, ethnic origin, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation); and
  2. can be assured of an environment in which their rights, dignity and individual worth are respected, and, that they are able to enjoy rugby without the threat of intimidation, victimisation, harassment, or abuse.

Neath Athletic RFC recognises rugby as a diverse sport, involvement in which can bring communities together, have health and economic benefits and impact positively on the future of rugby.  

The role of the Committee is to act as the executive leadership body of Neath Athletic RFC – for example, setting the direction of the Club, making important decisions affecting the Club’s future and ensuring that the Club meets its regulatory and legal obligations.  
The Committee is elected by members at the Annual General Meeting, in line with the rules of Neath Athletic RFC.   At the AGM, Committee Members are also nominated and agreed to the roles of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.  The maximum term of office for a Committee member is 2 years.
The Committee consists of sixteen people, in order to enable effective decision making.  At least 3 people on the Committee are unrelated, or non-cohabiting.  Each playing and non-playing section of the Club is represented on the Committee.  
Committee Members are named below and their roles:
• Robert Williams Chair
• Mike Doyle Treasurer
• Darren Harrison Secretary
• Dave Bate Assistant Treasurer
• Leyton Russ  Business Operations and Health & Safety
• George Russ  Safe Guarding Officer and Youth Team Manager
• Iwan Griffiths Sponsorship liason  and Fixture Secretary
• Phil Green, Operations Officer & 200 club 
• David Downing  Senior Team Manager and First Aid officer
• Ian Evans  Senior Team Coach and Mini’s coach
• Neil Davies  Senior Coach and Juniors Coach
• Lee Tregoning Seniors Coach
• Emma Sorokin Mini and Junior Teams Manager
• Kevin Thomas Players Liason officer
• Trevor Thomas Club President
• Alwyn Thomas Operations Officer
The Committee meets weekly.  Records are kept of key decision made, and these records are reviewed and approved at the next meeting.  
Code of Conduct
Committee Members hold their positions primarily for their knowledge, skills set, experience and ability to actively contribute to the running of Neath Athletic RFC.  
All Committee members are expected to:
• promote the values, aims, rules and regulations of Neath Athletic RFC by acting as its ambassador and advocate always presenting it and its members in a positive light.
• act only in the interests of Neath Athletic RFC as a whole, not individuals or small groups.
• listen and respect the views of others and always use appropriate and respectful language and behaviour.
• help establish and maintain a comprehensive set of Club rules and regulations that are regularly reviewed including a Club risk register to understand and limit any potential threats to Neath Athletic RFC. 
• manage Club funds so as to maximise value for money in all Club financial dealings.
• champion equality and respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in Neath Athletic RFC, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage / civil partnership, pregnancy / maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. 
• attend relevant training events and take reasonable steps to ensure up to date knowledge of developments in sport policy and other issues which may affect the role of or Neath Athletic RFC.
• actively contribute to the effective work of the Neath Athletic RFC Committee through:
o good preparation for meetings by reading all papers which have been circulated prior to meetings.
o regular attendance, participation and contribution at meetings including constructive challenge when appropriate.
o dealing with issues of agenda clarification before meetings and maintaining a sharp focus on agenda items in meetings so that time is used effectively.
o respecting the office of the “Chair” of the meeting to ensure the orderly conduct of meetings and any management of conflict.
o attempting to reach decisions by consensus and always publicly support group decisions even if personal opinion is different.
o ensuring timely response to, and completion of, agreed actions. 
o supporting fellow Committee members in their leadership of the club
o attending the Club AGM and any other meeting as and when required
Committee members must not:
• attempt to exercise individual authority over Neath Athletic RFC or its workers or volunteers except as explicitly set out in agreed policies or as associated with reasonable management responsibilities.  
• use their position for personal gain.
• base decision making on private interest or personal financial interest.
• do anything which could bring Neath Athletic RFC into disrepute.
• become inflexibly caught up in promoting their own views at meetings.
• act with bias or prejudice towards others.
• use offensive or discriminatory language or behaviour.
• keep quiet where they have concerns about the Club.
• fail to deliver on commitments as a Committee member.
• publicly disagree with decisions that the Committee takes as a group, even if they hold a different personal view.
Declaration of interest
All Committee members are required to complete and sign a Declaration of Interests form.  This must be reviewed by the Chair and maintained in a register of Interests.  Any interests (direct or indirect) which could influence judgement or give the impression that the Committee member was acting for personal reasons must be considered a conflict.  Conflicts must be appropriately managed, for example excluding the relevant member from decision making.
Committee members must not use their positions to obtain for themselves, family members, or close associates, employment within Neath Athletic RFC . Should a Committee member be considered for employment, they must temporarily withdraw from Committee deliberations, voting and access to applicable information that might relate to the employment.
Committee members should not pass any confidential information gained through their involvement with Neath Athletic RFC to a third party without the approval of the Chair. 
Committee Members and Financial Governance
The Committee is responsible for the preparation of the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
The Committee is required to prepare financial statements for each financial year in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). 
The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of Neath Athletic RFC and of its excess of income over expenditure for that period. In preparing these financial statements, the Committee is required to:
• select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
• make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
• state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed;
• prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that Neath Athletic RFC will continue in business.
The Committee is responsible for maintaining satisfactory systems of internal control and keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of Neath Athletic RFC and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply.  
The Committee are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of Neath Athletic RFC and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
The Chair will be required to sign a Letter of Representation to the Club’s auditors in relation to each separate audit carried out confirming Committee members’ responsibilities.
Neath Athletic RFC has a separate Finance and Reserves Policy.
Committee Members and Financial Liability
Neath Athletic RFC has incorporated legal status, specifically Incorporated Private Company Limited by Guarantee.  Committee Members are responsible for monitoring the Club’s financial position, ensuring that it operates within its means, ensuring that there are clear lines of accountability for day-to-day financial management, and that it applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its aims and objectives.
Committee Members as individuals have limited personal financial liability.  However, this protection only exists where Committee members act honestly and in good faith.  Committee members can still be liable for losses where they have failed to act responsibly, for example in relation to negligence, fraud, wrongful trading or breach of statutory duty.  
Financial Management
Effective financial control and governance arrangements are required to safeguard the Club’s resources and secure their appropriate application to the Club’s overall objectives.  They are also key in minimising any risk of irregularities and fraudulent activity.  
Neath Athletic RFC is committed to following good governance principles and best practice in key areas of financial and general management and in continuous improvement.
Financial Reporting
Neath Athletic RFC’s financial year runs from April to March .
Finance reports and updates are presented to the Committee on a regular basis as follows:
• Quarterly management accounts at Committee meetings.  
• Draft statutory accounts – in for approval by the Committee ahead of the Annual General Meeting.  
• Draft budgets are presented for agreement ahead of each new financial year.  
• Ad hoc reports as required to provide further information on financial controls, and other financial matters.                                  
Financial Standing Orders
The practical arrangements for the authorisation of expenditure and contracts are set out in the Financial Standing Orders, changes to which are approved by the Committee. 
Committee member expenses
Neath Athletic RFC Committee members may claim reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in carrying out their duties if the committee feel its appropriate and inline with its policy.  
The Neath Athletic RFC  Committee produce a business plan which is reviewed at least yearly.  
Risk assessment
The Neath Athletic RFC Committee carries out risk assessments to minimise the risk of any insurance claim being rejected because of the absence or quality of the risk assessment.  Any actions are acted upon as soon as reasonably practicable.  Risk assessments are reviewed annually unless stated otherwise.
Neath Athletic RFC has separate policies relating to Risk Assessment and wider Health and Safety.
Succession Plan
The Neath Athletic RFC Committee identifies terms of office which are ending shortly, and the skills of each member, and uses this to create a succession and development plan.  Committee members are expected to keep up to date with developments affecting Neath Athletic RFC and engage in development activities such as training, conferences, club cluster meetings, self-directed reading etc.
Neath Athletic RFC is committed to protecting all children and adults at risk from harm.  
The person with responsibility for safeguarding is George Russ who’s role is the Safe Guarding Officer which is compliant with the WRU guidence .  
Alcohol license
Neath Athletic RFC complies with the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003 and holds a Club Premises Certificate / Premises License.
Music license
Neath Athletic RFC complies with the licensing requirements of PPL PRS Ltd and holds “TheMusicLicence” when playing or performing music in public.  
Disaster recovery
The Neath Athletic RFC Committee produces a disaster recovery plan to cater for possible threats to the club such as flooding, theft, loss of computer data, arson etc, and identifies responses to these threats in order to ensure the continuity of the Club.
Neath Athletic RFC holds insurance in respect of:
• Public  liability
• Professional indemnity
• Employers liability
• Playing
• Building & contents 
Where a Committee member has a grievance which is specific to their service as a Committee member (as opposed to a general grievance), they should raise the matter in writing with the Chair in the first instance, clearly outlining the reasons for the grievance.  
Where the grievance is raised by the Chair, this should be directed to the Treasurer, again in writing and outlining the reasons for the grievance.
The person receiving the grievance will investigate and will make a decision to uphold it or not.  The outcome should be communicated to the person raising the grievance in writing within 7 days of the grievance being raised.  Further action will be taken dependent on the circumstances.
If the Committee member is not satisfied with the outcome, they may appeal to a Committee Grievance Appeal Panel, which will comprise 3 members of the Committee who had not previously been involved.  Appeals will normally be heard within [x] days of receiving the appeal.  The decision of the Appeal Panel will be communicated in writing within [x] days of the Appeal meeting.  The decision of the Appeal Panel is final.
Breaches of the any part of this document, the Club’s rules or any other relevant policies, will be considered grounds for gross misconduct, which could ultimately result in the removal of the member from the Committee.  Any criminal activity would also be reported to the relevant authorities.
Availability and Review
Neath Athletic RFC will keep this policy available in the Club and on the Neath Athletic RFC website.  Anyone who needs to read it (such as any workers, volunteers, contractors, members of the public etc) can do so.  
The Committee will review this policy annually, or earlier if necessary.
Role of the Committee Member
Main purpose:
• Lead the way in ensuring that the Club’s purpose, mission and values are put into practice. 
• Co-operate in determining the Club’s strategic direction, policies and standards.
• Monitor performance against agreed targets and trends through regular critical appraisal of financial, performance and other relevant information.
• Hold others to account by constructively challenging proposals and scrutinising future plans.
• Support workers and volunteers in the delivery of the business plan. 
Main duties and responsibilities:
• Prepare for and attend Committee meetings, constructively challenge information and each other, participate in discussions and decision making, share collective responsibility for and support Committee decisions.
• Commit to attend at least 80% of Committees meetings (if appointed to a committee). 
• Read and consider papers in advance of meetings, and prepare in advance for meetings, seeking additional information if required. 
• Attend training sessions individually or collectively to ensure the ongoing learning and development of the Committee.
• Prepare for and attend away day events/sessions, training, conferences and seminars as appropriate and provide feedback to the Committee when required.
• Prepare for and participate in Committee / governance reviews and appraisal – individual and collective.
• Champion the Club’s best interests and observe its legal responsibilities in all decision making.
• Seek specialist advice where necessary for the Committee to take an informed decision.
• Maintain an understanding of the activities of the Club and the context in which it operates through reading relevant material, discussions with stakeholders, attending relevant events, etc.  
• Develop and maintain good working relationships with Committee members, other workers, volunteers and stakeholders.
• Uphold the Club’s values and reputation.
• Comply with the Club’s Rules and any legal duties and responsibilities.
• Declare all relevant conflicts of interest.
• Represent the Club externally where agreed.
• Participate in induction of new Committee members and ongoing training and development.
Role of the Chair
Main purpose:
• Lead the Committee in overseeing the Club’s strategic direction, policies and standards.
• Lead by example in ensuring that the Club’s mission/purpose and values are put into practice.
• Lead the way in promoting the highest standards of corporate governance.
• Run the Committee effectively.
• Manage Committee meetings.
• Support other Committee Members.
Main duties and responsibilities:
Observe all the role requirements of Committee membership, and in addition:
• Oversee the running of the Committee.
• Set the agenda and prepare papers for meetings.
• Manage meetings (Committee, AGM and others) ensuring sufficient time is allowed for the discussion of complex and contentious issues.
• Facilitate sound decision making and effective implementation of decisions.
• Promote effective relationships between Committee members, workers and volunteers.
• Promote a culture that sets the highest standard of corporate governance, performance, integrity, probity, openness and fairness across the Club.
• Support other Committee Members through listening, advice, challenge and debate, while respecting their relative positions and responsibilities.
• Contribute to effective communication with funders, stakeholders and members, listening to the views of all stakeholders and ensuring appropriate feedback is provided.
• Provide coherent leadership of the Club, representing the Club to others, as appropriate.
• Initiate change and encourage Committee member learning and development and succession planning. 
• Appraise the performance of other Committee Members.
Role of the Treasurer
Main purpose:
• Lead the way in ensuring that the Club’s mission/purpose and values are put into practice. 
• Oversee the Club’s finances and financial control systems.
• Ensure effective financial reports and information are presented to the Committee and other stakeholders on a regular basis
• Lead the way in promoting the highest standards of financial governance
• Support the other Committee members, as well as workers and volunteers with responsibility for Finance. 
• Submit the Club’s Annual Return to the Financial Conduct Authority.
• Ensure the submission of the Club’s Statutory Accounts.
Main duties and responsibilities:
Observe all the role requirements of Committee membership, and in addition:
• Guide and advise the Committee on the maintenance and updating of the Club’s Financial Standing Orders.
• Guide and advise the Committee in the approval of budgets, accounts and financial statements, within a relevant financial policy framework.
• Inform the Committee about its financial duties and responsibilities.
• Advise the Committee on the financial implications of the Club’s strategic plans and key assumptions in the delivery plan, annual budget and any pay review.
• Understand the Club’s accounting procedures and key internal controls to be able to assure the Committee that the Club’s financial integrity is sound.
• Ensure that a realistic & timely budget is produced which meets the Club’s needs and that there is an appropriate reserves policy.
• Monitor the Club’s income and expenditure position and present reports to the Committee.
• Oversee the Club’s financial record keeping to assure the Committee that proper financial procedures and controls are in place to safeguard the Club’s resources.
• Regularly review and report on the Club’s bank balances to provide assurance to the Committee.
• Oversee the preparation of year end accounts and the arrangements for independent auditing.
• Present the accounts at the AGM and draw attention to important points in a coherent and understandable way.
• Oversee the Club’s investment strategy, advising on appropriateness and ensuring that investment activities are consistent with the Club’s vision and values, its policies and legal responsibilities.
Role of the Company Secretary
Main purpose:
• Facilitate the administration of the Committee.
• Lead on the overall aims and objectives of the club strategy
• Ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements.
• Execute legal documents as authorised by the Committee.
Main duties and responsibilities:
• Manage the cycle of Annual General Meetings, Committee elections and associated administration.
• Manage the cycle of Committee meetings and associated administration.
• Manage the register of members and the register of Directors & Officers.
• Ensure compliance with all relevant legislation.